The prospectus of the Company published for new share issuance, the allotment introduction published for allotment of shares, the listing announcement and the convertible bond issuance announcement; 公司发行新股刊登的招股说明书、配股刊登的配股说明书、股票上市公告书和发行可转债公告书;
The justice ministry held a public hearing yesterday to discuss the introduction of a poison pill clause in commercial laws, which would give shareholders the right to buy new shares quickly at a discount when they face an unsolicited takeover bid. 韩国司法部昨日举行了一场公开听证会,讨论在商法中引入毒丸条款问题。此类条款将使股东在遭遇敌意收购之时,有权以折扣价迅速买进本公司的新股。
China Eastern Airlines has been the introduction of Singapore Airlines shares, international airlines and the integration of Southern Airlines is being seen as the most likely thing. 而中国东方航空股份有限公司已经引入新加坡航空入股,因此国际航空公司与南方航空公司的整合被人们看成是最有可能的事情。
His comments come amid signs that China will proceed with the introduction of margin trading and short selling of shares despite the current turmoil. 他发表此番评论时有迹象显示,尽管当前金融市场处于动荡之中,中国仍将着手推行股票融资融券交易。
Discount Cash Flow ( DCF) is currently one of the most commonly used methods for assessment. After giving a systematic introduction of the method, the author attempts to produce a feasible solution to the pricing of state-owned shares in listed companies of the country. 现金流贴现法是目前应用最为广泛的评估方法,文章在系统介绍现金流贴现法的基础上,结合我国上市公司具体情况,给出国有股定价的具体方法。
And there are five parts in this paper addition to the introduction and conclusion. Firstly, the overview of the performance shares bribery is introduced. 本文除引言和结语外分五部分。第一部分干股受贿的概述。
With the improvement of capital market and the introduction of relevant laws and regulation in China, a large number of listed companies have engaged in refinance by issuing new shares. 随着中国资本市场融资功能的逐步完善和相关法规的出台,大量上市公司通过增发新股进行再融资,其中尤以定向增发最为盛行。